Sunday 7 February 2010

Sunday 07/02/10: Clearing up and more sowing.

Today I weeded (roughly as it was so wet), pruned back and cultivated the Asparagus bed and the Raspberry cane patch.

I also weeded the Jerusalem Artichoke bed, digging up another root for tea. Although, having just eaten them, I am now convinced I will dig up the whole lot and burn them, as they are not very nice to eat. I had never eaten them before, tried them a few months ago (and wasn't convinced) but am now sure the damned things are fit only for animal feed. Bleurgh!

I think the land they are in will be better off growing Loganberries.

All the old canes and stuff went into a proto-bonfire heap. I do like bonfires.

Seed wise I planted some Cauliflowers, Broccoli, Tomatoes, Leeks and Parsnips. Again, these are on Daniels windowsill.

The onions, Broad Beans and Chillis I planted previously have now started coming up. I shifted 10 Broad Bean plants out to the greenhouse, but they got a bit cold. I may have to fire up the heater.

We are apparently in for some more cold weather.

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